Marsden High School and Marsden Intensive English Centre毕业证diploma

Marsden High School and Marsden Intensive English Centre毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。

Marsden High School and Marsden Intensive English Centre Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
Marsden High School and Marsden Intensive English Centre院校介绍
Marsden High School is situated in a well established residential area some 14 km west of Sydney and directly north of the Olympic Games site. The school was established as a co-educational high school in 1959 and is conveniently serviced by bus and rail links. It is close to Macquarie University, University of Western Sydney (Rydalmere and Westmead) and Ryde and Meadowbank TAFE Colleges. The school has close ties with its community and has a reputation for excellence in academic achievement, sport, music and drama performances. Our purpose is to maximise outcomes for all students in a challenging, attractive and supportive learning environment. 'Learning for Life' is our core focus and mission. This emphasises our belief in the importance of connecting student's learning to the world beyond school and that learning is a life-long continuous process. At Marsden High School we aim to ensure all students grow and develop into adaptable, creative and resourceful young people, able to lead happy, purposeful and productive lives in a vibrant, culturally diverse society.
Marsden High School has the advantage of having over 50% of students coming from non-English speaking backgrounds and altogether 48 different languages are spoken.Marsden has an Intensive English Centre (IEC) whose goal is to prepare migrant and refugee students from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) for mainstream high school education in Australia.
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Welcome to Marsden High School "Learning for Life"
What makes Marsden High Special.. what would make this your school of choice.
High school is the time when kids learn to think critically, analyze pros and cons, explore, identify their passions, learn to work independently, learn how to advocate for themselves, and develop relationships with their teachers. Learn to self-regulate and build life long patterns of who they are and who they will become. A great school builds on this with a myriad of experiences. Marsden high delivers a quality education where students go well beyond their best!
We offer an atmosphere and opportunity for outstanding levels of engagement in learning and life!
Learning and Marsden High school.
Firstly, we take learning seriously, Marsden is more that the buildings and the facilities, it's about the classroom activities and what learning looks like. at Marsden we truly are preparing our students to learn for life.. we are life long learners!
We Care about our students..
Friendship and socialization is a significant part of the high school experience. We Pay attention to how our students act together. Ask our students, they are comfortable with one other, our students mixing well and we do not EXCLUDE.. we are inclusive!
We do proactive activities to bind our students in positive opportunities to enjoy their friends..
Outside the Classroom, we prepare our students for LIFE….
We have an immense opportunity to be involved in our MUSIC Ensemble Program. Ms. Idrus will tell you all about the opportunities that exist to be part of a fabulous Musical culture.
If music isn't what you're looking for, maybe its VOLUNTEERING…We were involved in the Wrap with love Volunteering program, where students and staff created knitted blankets for people in need, we participate in the Red Cross-Blood bank donations organised by the SRC. Excellence= our Students and generosity to our community.
‘High Achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation' Charles Kettering
Quality teaching, explicit expectations and reflection is the Marsden "CARE" factor…. and we give our students the skills for "Learning for Life".
Marsden High School and Marsden Intensive English Centre毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。
Marsden High School and Marsden Intensive English Centre Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.