Chatswood High School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre毕业证diploma

Chatswood High School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。

Chatswood High School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
Chatswood High School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre院校介绍
Chatswood Intensive English Centre is the first step for high school students arriving from overseas and wishing to continue their education in New South Wales.
The Centre's supportive multicultural learning environment encourages all students to feel at ease in their new country and to quickly acquire English language skills, before moving on to the wider experience of a secondary school.
The Centre
Chatswood Intensive English Centre (IEC) is part of the network of Intensive English Centres provided by the NSW Department of Education and Training.
Newly arrived students whose English skills are assessed as being insufficient for successful placement in high school classes attend the Centre to develop their language skills and prepare them for attendance at high school. Students attend five days a week during school terms.
The Centre is situated in the grounds of Chatswood High School in Centennial Avenue, a few minutes walk from Chatswood Railway Station, bus stops and the Pacific Highway.
The basic function of the centre is to teach the English skills necessary to successfully study the high school curriculum. As well as language classes, the programme includes language across the curriculum in the main high school subjects: Science, Maths, Geography, History, Living Skills, Art, etc. so that the subject language and concepts are developed. The programme also includes PE, Sport, Computer Skills, Music and Library. Excursions to places of educational benefit and interest are organised each term to help students settle into their new community.
Some students from refugee backgrounds have interrupted or little schooling and may be illiterate in their own language. Where necessary, remedial programmes such as basic reading, script writing and numeracy are provided by the staff at the Centre, and are supported by bilingual teachers' aides.
Enrolment Procedure
All non-English speaking students wishing to enrol in government high schools in the northern Sydney area (i.e. students living in suburbs north of Sydney to the Central Coast and as far west as Victoria Road, Ryde) need to telephone the Centre (9411-5288) for an assessment appointment. Bilingual staff can assist parents with enquiries in Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, etc. At the assessment the student's visa will be checked to ensure that the student is eligible to enrol and the student's skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking English will be assessed.
After the assessment those with the appropriate English skills are referred to the relevant high school for enrolment. Most students assessed as needing to attend the Centre may commence classes at the IEC the next day.
Students who are temporary visa holders will need to have an Authority to Enrol issued by the International Business Unit (IBU) before they can commence attendance. Most of these students will also need to pay a fee to the IBU. The IEC will provide such students with the necessary forms, information and documentation.
At the assessment, the functioning of the Centre is explained to the student's family and information about uniform requirements and travel arrangements is given. Basic information about the NSW education system is also provided. Parents or guardians are asked to give information about the student's educational background, ability level, special interests and goals to assist the teachers as they work with the students.
Centre Organisation
Based on the assessment of their language skills, students are placed in one of four levels: Foundation, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Students are expected to complete Level 3 before they transfer to high school. Each level covers a term's work (each term is approximately ten weeks). Within each level the students are divided into classes - usually there are between 10 to 18 students in each group. The classes in each level are based on the students' ages.
The average length of stay is approximately three (3) terms, although some students who encounter difficulty learning English (possibly because of previously interrupted schooling, no previous knowledge of English, etc.) may need a longer time to benefit from the programmes at the Centre. the Centre caters for individual differences and adapts the programme to the needs of each group and/or individual.
At the end of each term a group of students, having completed Level 3, leaves the Centre to go to high school. Students in the other levels are promoted at the beginning of the next term provided they have successfully developed the necessary skills. The progress of students is monitored at weekly staff meetings.
The Staff
Teachers are qualified and experienced English as a Second Languoge teachers, many with qualifications and experience teaching in high school curriculum areas. Maths, Science, History and Geography of Australia and Literature are taught with each student's language difficulties being catered for. Bi-lingual support is given by Teachers' Aides.
Above all the staff respond to the needs of individual students in adapting relevant programmes related to their future as well as present requirements. A school counsellor is available every day to assist any student or parent to deal with difficulties arising from the demands of resettlement.
Parent Involvement
Parent/Teacher nights are held at the end of Terms 1 and 3. At these, teachers arrange appointments to talk with parents individually about their child. A written report is issued to parents at the end of Terms 2 and 4. In addition, parents can at any time request an interview with staff to discuss their child's progress. parents are welcome to visit the Centre at any time but are particularly invited to attend special activities such as sports carnivals, Graduation ceremonies and excursions, etc.
Transfer to High School
During the student's final term at the IEC, the counsellor arranges placement for each student in a high school in the local area. Most high schools will only take students living in their local area - special applications must be lodged for placement at non-local high schools. The IEC will assist families who wish to make such applications. Students are enrolled in the year level appropriate to their previous education.
To help the student make a successful adaptation to high school, the IEC arranges for each student to attend classes at their future high school for three consecutive days midway through their final term at the Centre. This is known as the SET (School Experience Transition) programme and allows students to develop their confidence by giving them the opportunity to become familiar with their new school's physical environment and organisational structure. They also meet some of their future teachers and classmates as well as making decisions about subject choices where necessary.
A written report outlining the student's language ability and knowledge in core subjects is given to key personnel at the receiving high school when the student transfers from the IEC.
Chatswood High School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、认证、样本图片、diploma案例原版。
Chatswood High School and Chatswood Intensive English Centre Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.